September 2018 Release

September 2018 Release

About this update

The Zoola Team continues on its journey to deliver you the most widely used Learning Analytics solution in the market. We are excited to share a couple highlights of the most recent enhancements that we have released.

ENHANCEMENT: Zoola Reports Block Scheduler. As the Zoola Reports Block is one of the key methods for interacting with Zoola and LMS reports, Lambda is focused on enhancing the block providing new ways to view and share your LMS information. The Zoola Report block enhancements initially started with embedded reports/dashboard and then allowed for reports to be emailed to a user directly from the block. The next enhancement is to incorporate a report scheduling feature into the block so that reports can be sent out to users, either on a one time or recurring basis. Our first version of this functionality allows you to create and manage schedules of private reports, within a specific instance of the reports block. This means you can create schedules based on reports your organization has created and that you have visibility of in the reports block. Out of the box reports are currently not available for scheduling at this time.

The scheduling functionality can be accessed through a new Scheduled Reports link, visible at the bottom of the docked Zoola Reports block.

By clicking this link you are then taken to a new Schedule Reports management screen. Here you can see the schedules that are currently active and when they were last executed. Schedules can be created, edited or deleted from this screen.

When creating a new schedule, you are able to select the reports that are available in the block and then apply any report filters that need to be added.

Schedule frequency, recipient and output format can all be controlled through the scheduler settings. 

We have many more enhancements that we would like to bring through this functionality and we will make sure to keep you posted as this functionality evolves. The Zoola Reports Block Scheduler is available in the Zoola Reports block version block_zoola_reports

ENHANCEMENT: Assignment Rubric Data Source, Ad Hoc View and Report (Moodle and Totara 9 and above). The Assignment activity within Moodle and Totara is heavily used as a method of assessing learner's knowledge and competence within a course. This activity features a variety of different grading methods from basic score grading to more advanced rubric grading. To aid with rubric grading and reporting on this information, we have built new Rubric Data Source, Assignment Rubric Ad Hoc View & Reports. These views can be used to show grades assigned through the rubrics, including the level and criterion selections. The views show current and historical grades, and provide a number of filter options that allow for users, courses and grade dates to be used to restrict the data you view. These views are now live and cane be found on Moodle and Totara 9 connected LMS'.

ENHANCEMENT: Zoola Connection Test and Self Registration Enhancements. We have made further performance and stability enhancements to the Connection Test and Self Registration functionality. 

BUG: Word "into" in report fields causing report errors. We identified and resolved an issue where the word 'into' was causing error messages and preventing ad hoc views and reports from loading. This would occur if a value within the report or ad hoc view contained the word 'into' e.g. "go into the course". This issue has now been resolved through a Zoola server patch.

BUG: Updates made to Connection Test and Self Registration to remove language around Zoola plugins being available on Moodle's Plugin Community. Our Zoola installation documentation previously mention of the Zoola blocks being available on the Moodle Plugin Community. This has now been removed.

BUG: Zoola Administrator role not being allowed access to all Zoola artifacts (data sources, ad hoc views, reports and dashboards). Users who are only assigned the Zoola Administrator role but not the LMS Site Admin, were not given access to all Zoola artifacts. This has now been resolved so that any user assigned the Zoola Administrator can see all Zoola artifacts. This issue has been resolved through an update to the Zoola block (block_zoola

BUG: If Zoola is inaccessible, report loading can cause the LMS to become unresponsive. We have now resolved an issue with with the Zoola Reports block that  would cause the block to continuously load if a connection could not be established to the LMS. This had the potential to cause the LMS to become unresponsive until the Report Block had finished its task. This issue has now been resolved through an update to the Zoola Reports block (block_zoola

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