July 2018 Release
About this update
The Zoola Team continues on its journey to deliver you the most widely used Learning Analytics solution in the market. We are excited to share a couple highlights of the most recent enhancements that we have released.
ENHANCEMENT: Totara Competency Drill Through report. After completing the Moodle Competency reports (User Competency Overview report and Competency Scales Summary) last month, we have now also finished the Totara versions of these reports. These reports are designed to show LMS administrators competency completions and proficiency at a high level across the site. The reports feature a drill down function that allows the report viewer to see what competency score a a learner has been assigned that where that falls within a particular scale. These reports can be found under the Reports > View Existing area within Zoola.
ENHANCEMENT: Add SSL to the Zoola Connection Test. In June's release we included a new Zoola Connection Test workflow that allows customers to test connectivity between their LMS and Zoola, as well as automatically creating the Zoola organization and API key information. One area that was missing in the initial release was the ability to toggle SSL during the test. This feature has now been added to the Connection Test and should allow the completion of the installation process for customer's that do not require encrypted connections. Lambda Solutions recommends that SSL is enabled on the LMS database, so that communication between the two systems is secured.
ENHANCEMENT: Update Zoola Installation Guide documentation. To align with the Zoola Connection test workflow, we have now updated the Zoola Installation Guide to describe the connection test workflow. The Zoola Installation Guide can be found here.
COMPATIBILITY: Zoola Theme - Internet Explorer compatibility issues. The new Zoola theme is now compatible with Internet Explorer.
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