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Report Filters

The Format Column Window

Report Input Controls

The Report Viewer


If the report output contains more information than you want, interactively filter it to display just what you need. You conditionally filter report output by first selecting the column to use as a basis for filtering. Next, you enter a filter condition, then a value for comparison. The server compares each field of the column to the value that meets the condition.









Does not equal

Is not equal to

Is not equal to

Greater than

Is between


Greater than or equal to

Is not between

Does not contain

Less than

Is on or before

Starts with

Less than or equal to

Is before

Does not start with

Is between

Is on or after

Ends with

Is not between

Is after

Does not end with


To interactively filter report data, complete the following steps:

  1. As you run the report, click the column you want to use for filtering the report.

  2. The Filter column dialog appears. By default, Show all rows is selected.

  3. To build your filter, click the radio button to select Show only rows where. The comparison operator drop-down and value entry box become active.

  4. Select a comparison operator from the drop-down. For example, select Starts with to compare phone numbers starting with certain numbers. Enter a value for comparison with the data in the column.

  5. Click the OK button. The view of the report changes to show the filtered output. A small filter icon  appears in the heading of the filtered column, to the right of the heading text.

  6. To clear the filter indicator and once again display all the accounts, reopen the Filter column dialog and select Show all rows, then click the OK button.