In the Properties panel on the Display tab, you can view, edit, and save properties of a set or item. To edit properties, complete the following steps:
From the Sets and Items panel, either select a set to edit, or expand a set and select and item to edit.
At the bottom of the Properties panel, click the Edit button.
In the Properties panel, edit any of the available fields—the available fields vary depending on the set/item you are editing.
When you have finished your changes, click the Save button.
The following table shows the properties and possible actions you can perform on them, depending on what you select in the other panels. For example, if you select the ID of a table in the Resources panel, you can view and edit the ID of the specified table.
Panel | Selection | Properties | Possible Actions |
Resources(Table List view) | Table | ID of the table | View and edit |
| Table | Name of the data source | View only |
| Table | Name of the table in the data source | View only |
Resources(Table List view) | Field (Column) | ID of the field | View only |
| Field (Column) | Name of the data source | View only |
| Field (Column) | Name of the field's table in the data source | View only |
| Field (Column) | Java datatype of the field | View only |
Resources(Join Tree view) | Table, Field, or Join Tree | None | None |
Sets and Items | Set | Label of the set | View and edit |
| Set | ID of the set | View and edit |
| Set | Description of the set | View and edit |
| Set | Internationalizations keys for the set | View and edit |
Sets and Item | Item | Label of the item | View and edit |
| Item | ID of the item | View and edit |
| Item | Description of the item | View and edit |
| Item | Internationalization keys for the item | View and edit |
| Item | Source table field | View only |
| Item | Data format | View and edit |
| Item | Default summary function | View and edit |
| Item | Field or measure | View and edit |
After defining the list of sets, subsets and items, you can refine the way the Domain appears to users by renaming and providing descriptions for sets, subsets, and items. In the Properties panel, click the Edit button to modify properties. The following table describes each of the properties in detail:
Property | Appears On | Description |
ID | Table, Field, Set, Item | An identifier used within the Domain. Default table and field IDs are based on the names in the data source, but you may change the ID of a table as long as it remains unique. Set and item IDs are a separate namespace in which each ID must be unique, although based on table and field IDs by default. The ID property value must be alphanumeric and not start with a digit. |
Data Source | Table, Field | Alias of the data source for the selected field or table. |
Source Table | Table, Field | Name of either the selected table or of the field's table in the data source. The Source Table does not change when the ID property of a table is modified. |
Datatype | Field | Java datatype of the selected field. |
Label | Set, Item | User-friendly name displayed in the Data Chooser and the Ad Hoc Editor. |
Description | Set, Item | User-friendly description displayed as tooltip on the label in the Ad Hoc Editor. The description helps the report creator understand the data represented by this set or item. |
Label Key Description Key | Set, Item | Internationalization keys for the label and description properties. Locale bundles associate this key with the localized text for the label or description. Keys may only use characters from the ISO Latin-1 set, digits, and underscores (_). |
Source | Item | References the Domain names of the table and field associated with this item; the syntax is Domain_jointree.Domain_table.datasource_ field. |
Data Format | Item | Default numerical format (such as number of decimal places) for the item when used in a report. |
Summary Function | Item | Default summary function for the item when used in a report. The available functions depend on the field's data type (Boolean, date, numeric, or text). |
Field or Measure | Item | Designates whether the item is a qualitative value (field) or quantitative value (measure). By default, all numeric types are assumed to be measures, and all non-numeric items are plain fields. Use this setting to override the default. |