Creating the Course Completions Table View
After completing the previous steps of the Manager View case study, you will have created a new private "Course Completions Manager Domain" copied from the "Course Completions Domain." Your new Domain will have been secured with the "coursecompletion_manager_security.xml" file, establishing a connection between the "User ID" of the viewer (the Manager) and the "Manager ID" of students. This is the necessary foundation needed to begin creating customized Manager Views, and the only part of the Zoola™ workflow that differs from standard View, Report, or Dashboard creation.
Any View created from your "Course Completions Manager Domain" will be configured by the security settings applied in the security file.
For the purposes of this case study, the following steps will outline the re-creation of the "Course Completions Table View." To create this view from the "Course Completions Manager Domain," complete the following steps:
You now have the fundamental layout of the original "Course Completions Table VIew," but the data is drawn through your new "Course Completions Manager Domain." Any user who views this View (or any Report or Dashboard created from it) from their Zoola™ account will see only the data of students with a corresponding "Manager ID."
Further Steps for the Manager View
Span style color: #000000; To carry your new "Course Completions Manager Domain" or View through the Zoola™ workflow, you can continue on to create a Report or Dashboard based on your Manager View, following the standard process used in creating Zoola™ Reports and Dashboards. Span style color: #000000; For a guide on creating Reports from an Ad Hoc View, see /wiki/spaces/ZHS/pages/7405987. Span style color: #000000; For a guide on creating Dashboards from Reports, see /wiki/spaces/ZHS/pages/7406157
Span style color: #000000; The "Course Completions Manager Domain" can also be your template for creating alternative Views and configurations. To use the content of this case study to create new custom Views for Totara or Moodle, complete the following steps: