Span style color:#000000; Log in to the server as an Administrator. Span style color:#000000; Identify and select the Domain you want to export. Span style color:#000000; Right-click the Domain and select Edit from the context-menu. The Edit Domain page of the Domain Designer appears. Span style color:#000000; In the Domain Design section, click the Edit with Domain Designer link. The Domain Designer opens to the Tables tab. The tabs of the designer show the design settings for this Domain that you can export to XML. Span style color:#000000; Click Export Design. Span style color:#000000; If your data source supports schemas (subdivisions of a database), you are prompted to include the schema name in the table name. Select Yes if you intend to use this Domain design file with the same data source and schema. Select No if you intend to re-use this Domain design with other data sources or other schemas. Span style color:#000000; The browser usually gives you the choice of viewing or saving the file. To save the design file, select a location and give it a name. Be sure to keep the ".xml" suffix. The server validates the design before exporting the XML file. If errors are found, you can cancel the export.