Span style color:#000000; The query tag in the derived tables section of the Domain design file expects an SQL function. Span style color:#000000; In addition, you may use SQL functions in a DomEL expression, but only in limited circumstances: Span style color:#000000; The functions must be supported by the database. See the vendor documentation for available functions and their syntax. Span style color:#000000; The functions must follow the convention of comma-separated parameters. For example, you can use "TRIM(person.name)," but not "TRIM('Jr' FROM person.name)". Span style color:#000000; The type of the return values must be appropriate, either within the expression or for the type of the calculated field. Span style color:#000000; The SQL context must be appropriate for the functions. For example, you cannot use aggregation functions such as "COUNT" in a calculated field because there is no "GROUP BY" clause. Except for the comma-separated parameter pattern, the DomEL validation cannot enforce these criteria. You must ensure that any SQL functions meet these criteria, otherwise the expression causes errors when using the Domain to create a report.